Masters of Raana [v.] – Ero Games

Gameplay changes:
You now have one extra Servant Action per day.
Ending the day with a girl that has Happiness 10 or less and Affection Abhorred or worse, now has a 20% risk of raising her Jaded Trait with one point.
It is now easier to raise your Blacksmithing and Artisan skills – especially their values are low (below 50).
You now have a larger chance to increase your Blacksmithing skill if you craft advanced weapons or advanced armor.
Eliana will now be much more accepting toward low arousal states and ask for you to stop/cancel her act after reaching -15/-10 Arousal instead of -6/-6 as for normal girls.
A girl assigned as a maid now has a 27% daily chance of raising her Workaholic Trait Value if her Discipline is 50+, her Happiness 60+ and her Affection Loving+. Your household also needs to be thoroughly upgraded (Bathroom lvl 3, Kitchen lvl 3 and Living room lvl 3).
You can now decrease a slave’s Bloodthirsty Trait if you successfully declare your love for her while taking walks or having dinner dates (Events & Activities).
Girls recovering from sexual wear will now do so faster if the wear is below 25% and slower if it’s above 75%.
Having Mae from Ansel’s tutorial quest (random slave) assigned as a floor crawler will now drastically raise Ansel’s Happiness if he is a member of your household.
Added 2,000+ words of anecdote texts to Caitlin after marrying her and taking her to a restaurant. Her dialogues deal with an innocent sexual encounter, her favorite history epoch and things she saw at Crystal Heights slave market.
Increased the yield from Amiee’s Goods highest investment options with roughly $100.
Mr. Walton has lowered the cost of his 7.62 ammo with roughly 20%.
Tweaked the oral fixation trait gains during oral sex to give girls that are skilled in delivering blowjobs a chance to raise it.

Wife framework:
You can now divorce your wife.
Having a fully upgraded living room now has a 20% chance of increasing your Wife’s Affection up to Loving and her Happiness to a maximum of 50 if she’s NOT Jaded and not Angry.
Having a fully upgraded bedroom now has a 20% chance of increasing your Wife’s Affection up to Amiable and her Happiness to a maximum of 40 if she’s NOT Jaded and not Angry.

You now have one extra Servant Action per day.
Added NPC: Rifle Savant.
Added NPC: Bud Walton.

Dockgrave Tavern:
Dockgrave is a new establishment (Docks district) that offers a vast amount of interactions, entertainment and gambling-oriented mini games.
Carouse. Listen to local anecdotes, watch how Bud tries to impress the space marine and bathe in over 5,000 words of new MoR world lore. One night might look completely different from another based on who you assign to your group, especially if you bring “Party friendly” followers like Rebecca, Rachel, Bud, Ansel and The Space Marine. Going through five carousing nights will give you some form of skill-up or Influence boost as a reward.
Hire prostitutes. While not offering the same privacy as Furry’s Tavern, walking into a corner for a quick blowjob is a cheap and effective way of getting at least the same *end result*. Having Enya or (adult) Laika assigned as whores has a small chance of them appearing with a unique render.
Poker game. Test your luck and gambling skills in a very advanced poker mini game. Strategy, opponents and your Poker Fame are all important parts for obtaining victory. Maximum prize yield for one game is $1,700 if all participants raise through all three rounds.
Sell slaves. Dockgrave’s owner, Mr. Finnegan, can provide you with a very lucrative business arrangement that includes ten “hand-crafted” slaves for his establishment.
The Velvet Room (Tier Request). Reaching a certain amount of Influence provides access to the underbelly of Dockgrave Tavern. Here, an esteemed gentleman can get all his carnal desires satisfied, if he’s wealthy enough.

Added 3 household interior pics (Eliana living room lvl 1 and 2, Averil, living room lvl 2). Tier request.
Replaced 2 Rebecca wardrobe pics.
Replaced 4 Lovisa pics (bdsm initiation, various sex scenes).
Added 6 sex scenes for Eliana.
Added 18 sex scenes for Averil.
Added 43 bondage scenes for Averil.
Added 3 Arena scenes for Averil.
Added 2 training pics for Averil.

This is a major update with a long list of new addons and bug fixes. No need to patch. Fully compatible with older saves.

– New slave: Eliana Nichols (from Furry’s Tavern).
– New quest: The Golden Seal (acquisition of Eliana).
– The Retreat – increases slave cap to 19.
– Clothing rules (in the houserules section).
– New NPC: Doyle.
– Revamped last Arena fight.
– Jewelcrafting.
– Revamped Rebecca’s business trait.
– Aimee’s Goods (new location).
– Rebecca’s business trait has been revamped.
– New housewife status.
– 150+ new renders.
– And much, much more!

This is a major update Masters of Raana with a ton of new features.

New prostitution framework
The pimp profession now has an advanced set of tools available, giving the player an almost endless combination of how he can run his redlight empire. Do you want to use whoring as part of breaking in your slaves? Or is your goal to train up your girls enough to turn them into expensive escorts that deal with Ikaanos’ finer clientele – while collecting tips and fraternizing with Spheremasters?

All your slaves can be assigned as prostitutes – as long as they’re obedient or corrupted enough. You can either restrict whoring to a single or just a couple of slaves, or run a large stable of working girls that bring home a sizable chunk of cash each night.

Legacy framework
The MC can now ask a household slave to take his hand in marriage. If she accepts, the player will have a whole new set of features available to him.

– Going through the ceremony and making the right choices can grant you huge amounts of Influence, Willpower enhancing events and priceless gifts.
– A newly wedded wife will be immediately transferred to the wife slot, freeing up her space for another slave/servant in your household.
– A wife can work or study just like any other girl, or take on one of the sacred duties of a wife: slave mistress, herald or stewardess. (More duties will become available with the combat upgrade in 0.8.3).
– You can impregnate your wife and make her give birth to your offspring.
– Raise your children in any way you please by training them in a wide variety of skills.
– Full interactions become available on your child’s tenth birthday.
– The wife/kids interaction framework features over 50,000 words with many unique anecdotes, events and other dialogues.

More information can be found here.

New domestic servant/mercenary engine
A new group of living NPCs have moved into Ikaanos. The player is able to hire these non-slave characters and use them in his household for various tasks – as guards, janitors, accountants, scavengers or prostitutes.

The current mercenary system will eventually merge with this framework, giving your soldiers the same versatility and customization options as domestic servants (scheduled for That also means all NPCs will be assignable to your combat group.

NPCs keep all training and affection progress, even if you choose to dismiss them for extended periods of time. They also age accordingly – waiting two years before picking up Loden and Laika from the temple means they’ll be two years older than their starting age when you actually hire them.

All NPCs also have their unique background stories which you can explore by increasing their Affection. Raising Affection unlocks new assignment options and might increase their willingness to contribute more to your household depending on their task.

With the 0.8.1 release, you’ll be able to hire:
Loden (Temple of Yidhra).
Laika (Temple of Yidhra).
Armand (Bank of Ikaanos).
Loren (Moe’s Tavern).

All added NPCs have full renders and full background stories, as well as various anecdotes/custom dialogue based on their current assignments.

Loren has a fully rendered sexual interaction option .

New Tier4+ starting templates

Perfectionist parents. Provides a +15 boost to all skills, and a slightly higher starting INT. This template allows you to go through the full character creation framework, where you pick your parent’s profession, focuses and traits.
Wealthy parents. Provides an economic boost in Gold, and a special quest (see below).

New quests
The Inheritance – A Tier4+ starting template. A letter in your mail box starts an investigation/treasure hunt that takes you through everything from abandoned tunnels to forgotten family memories. Activate this quest by choosing the Wealthy starting template (Tier4+ only). ”Current Tier4+ saves can activate this quest in the Debug menu at your Home.”
The Vault – Lovisa’s character quest. Activates if your Affection toward Lovisa is Amiable or higher, after asking about her background in the Talk section. IF Lovisa is your wife, she’ll automatically accompany you on the quest even if she has other active assignments (waiting for the new Follower system coming in

A dynamic world
Some roaming enemies will not show up on the maps during storms and heatwaves.
Added various storm and heatwave related dialogues to stationary enemies.
All enemies will now drop less loot during Famines.
Powerful enemies will drop additional food during Famines (because they are more able to stockpile/rob less powerful factions).
Merchants at the market offer less for Merchandise during Famines.
Gold prices can now move up and down between 180-225 per unit. Gold becomes more valuable during scourges, famines and other special events. Killing off to many bandits will also lower the value of gold.

New location: Medical facility
The great Medical Facility at Crystal Heights – a beacon of technology and refined medicine, has finally opened after suffering a catastrophic hardware failure. The Medical facility offers:

Plastic surgery.

New location: Bank of Ikaanos
The Bank of Ikaanos in Crystal Heights offers a loan at modest interests (roughly 10%) if the MC’s Influence is high enough (2000+). You’re also able to hire an accountant (Armand Lessor) from this location. Armand will help improving your merchant empire – unless you assign him as janitor or guard.

Gameplay changes
A high Respect (25+) will now cause slaves and wives to be better and raise skills faster at the Academy.
Redesigned layout for all keypads. New sounds and new UI.
Working at the Golden Dragon now has a 20% chance to increase a girl’s Performance skill, if it’s below 90.
Added a charuck encounter to Caitlin’s quest with new art.
Union formations! The Assembly plant has increased their wages ($45/$130 instead of $35/$120).
Starving girls should now increase their risk of losing weight (from 20% to 33% per day).
Girls weighing over 60 kg will decrease weight slightly faster if set on a starving diet.
Lowered the chance of increasing the Oral Fixation Trait during oral sessions.
Added a new character perk to Piper. She’ll now provide an extra +3 Influence per day if assigned as a maid, IF her Domestic skill is 70+ and her affection is Amiable+.
Added a LikeSexual checker that keeps the $like variables from falling below -10.
Slightly raised the chance of lowering Defiance if you Thrash your slave’s ass.
Raised the sell price for automatic rifles in Hamah Bay if the charucks are present.
Bandits will now only respawn in Stokke Hills and Marston Avenue if the Bandit faction has a strange of 8000 or more.
Increased ammo cost of 7.62 and MAG by 15-20%.

Masters of Raana Art
Replaced 6 sex scenes for Lovisa (seduction).
Added 9 sex scenes for Lovisa (oral in bedroom).
Added 33 bondage pics for Rebecca.
Added 6 training pics for Rebecca.
Added 6 sex scenes for Caitlin.
Added 8 inspect pics for Caitlin.
Added 34 bondage pics for Caitlin.
Added 3 Arena pics for Caitlin.
Added 6 training pics for Caitlin.
Added 1 orgy pic for Caitlin.
Replaced Rebecca’s Arena pics (x3).
Added 31 sex scenes for Amelia.
Added 8 Inspect pics for Amelia.
Added 3 sex scenes for Piper (oral wash, cum events).
Added 2 household pics (Tier2+ slave in various living rooms).
Replaced Tier2+ slave stealth armor pic.
Added 5 wedding ceremony pics (Lovisa, Tier2+ slave, Aria, Rebecca, Caitlin).
Added 4 pregnant casual wardrobe renders.

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